Government Support


Tapping Government Support


Another area XsunX sees as offering tremendous opportunity today is the landmark passage of renewable energy support programs  in the USA and internationally. Governments are looking to underwrite and support technologies that offer the greatest opportunities to improve solar power conversion efficiencies, drive down costs  create new jobs, and breathe new opportunities back into existing industries.


XsunX believes that our unique approach to delivering the full potential of CIGS addresses these government and social goals for building a new green energy economy. We are presenting and qualifying our unique CIGS manufacturing method with various government programs best suited to helping to commercialize and spread this technology as rapidly as possible.


Government Sponsored Renewable Energy Links


The adoption of solar electric technologies has grown from a grass roots effort of environmentally conscious individuals in the 1970’s to a primary discussion by the worlds super powers on environmental safety issues and global renewable energy mandates at the recent G8 Summit held in July 2009.

The links below provide access to various data bases and information web sites providing both general and detailed information related to renewable energy government support programs in the USA.


Review of the proposed benefits of the solar legislation in the US TARP legislation


US Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies


US House of Representatives passes landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) June 30, 2009


Comprehensive state by state list of Renewable Energy Support Programs


Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiencies


The State of California’s Incentives for Renewable Energy Support Programs


Links to Green Initiatives News Articles